To our dear loyal customers:
Charles Dickens once suggested that Christmas was the only time when “men and women seemed, by one consent, to open their shut-up hearts freely and think of people as fellow passengers …and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.” Over the years, many more – famous and ‘un-‘ have similarly plighted their troth in reflection. Carole Nelson reminded us “Christmas is a time when you get homesick…even when you’re home.” Roy L. Smith reiterated that for those unable to find the spirit of the season in their hearts, they were just as unlikely to discover it waiting for them, brightly packaged under the tree. W.J. Cameron explained how the gentle loveliness of the ‘revolving year’ was matched only by the silent authority intuitively woven into the fabric of our hearts each December 25th.
And Hamilton Wright Mabie declared, “Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy – of love.” Even an old curmudgeon like 60 Minutes’ Andy Rooney developed a warm and fuzzy glow, concluding his 1985 Christmas episode with “One of the most glorious messes in the world is created in the living room on Christmas day. Please….don’t clean it up too quickly.” But perhaps the most heartfelt reminder of this fast-approaching yearly epoch is that whatever our shortcomings, for a moment at least, we are comforted in the understanding we are never truly alone. Whether from our tender affection for the past, a fleeting moment of strength felt today, or even more emphatically, from a position of hopeful promise for the coming New Year, the proverbial ‘milk of human kindness’ freely flows, and we pray – if only to ourselves – all paths onward may lead us to righteousness, goodness and that place of warmth, eternal and true.
As the holidays fast approach, we reflect upon this past year with great fondness. If the mysteries of life impart any wisdom at all, it’s that goodness endures for the sake of great generosity and kindness; two commodities we oft’ forget to believe in or express our gratitude. We also tend to think they are in very short supply. Not so. Rather, recall with humility the blessing of having known and appreciated people who have shown us their very best; whether fortitude and courage when it has been needed most – or compassion, loyalty and friendship, always desired. These have made all the difference through both the good and adversities in this ever-changing, passing parade. Hours grow dim. But memory never fades.
It’s a very simple concept really – give freely and without question.
And so, as we approach the epoch of another year, the extended family at Coulter’s Furniture wish to extend to each and every one of you the gift of great good tidings for a new and prosperous outlook in 2018. To some, it has been our overwhelming good fortune to have you as clientele for many, many years. We will continue to cherish and hold you dear. To others, our professional alliances more recently made have already outgrown and we regard you as so much more than our colleagues. Indeed, our warmest, trusted compatriots. It has been our pleasure to know you. Humble thanks then for this great opportunity to continue to serve with integrity.
To one and all, throughout the years, may your days be filled with the lightness of giving; a perennial state of grace to inaugurate this season of giving. And finally, peace, that comes from knowing you are always in our hearts. Wishing you all the very best in all things, now and forever. God bless and keep you safe and warm. From the Coulter’s Furniture extended family to yours,